
Japan Pavilion: 15th International Architecture Exhibition 2016 – Venice Biennale








In contemporary Japan, where unemployment, particularly among the young, has become chronic, and inequality and poverty grow worse every day, the high-growth economy of the postwar era is now a historical event that belongs to the distant past. Though there are several world-renowned works of architecture that emerged in tandem with economic growth in modern Japan, the brilliant Japanese “century of change in modern architecture” was preserved in A Storehouse of Contemporary Japanese Architecture, the exhibition held in the Japan Pavilion at the last Venice Biennale, and many architectural works that emerged at the height of the growth period have become subjects for historians.

A wide range of phenomena acts as an index of our times, such as the popularization of the Internet and other developments that have dramatically altered the information environment. But neoliberalism, rooted in the principle of competition, has deeply eroded the framework that permeates every corner of society – despite the fact that it does not appear to be an immediate threat like war, terrorism or environmental pollution caused by radioactive materials. Nonetheless, unlike the modern era, driven by a social engine powered by the overarching, meta-narrative of “progress,” and the high-growth period, we are unable to form or pursue a clear picture of the future that might counteract such circumstances and trends. This has caused a dark heavy, layer of despair to descend upon our society.

With the additional sense of loss that arose in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake, which occurred on March 11, 2011, Japanese society is currently on the verge of a huge turning point. While the notion of a happy family life in the city, created by the modern state, has collapsed, a new community, based on “sharing” (values, lifestyles, etc.) has appeared in its place. How is our architecture changing to fit this new era? And where is our architecture headed? Many of the things that we are now focusing on have the potential to exert huge changes (at least superficially) on beautiful decorative elements such as architecture magazines (a propaganda tool for Modernism), and the architectural framework shaped by the modern state that is concealed in many buildings. This is why it is essential to place a strong emphasis on altering the state of society and various relationships – or in other words, the en (connections, relation, ties, chance, edge, fringe, rim), which serve as the theme of this exhibition.

This exhibition will not attempt to formulate a vehicle, such as that seen in Modernism, based on a big narrative or some kind of slogan. Instead, it will examine a variety of aspects of individual struggles in the fight against the conditions and issues that we are currently confronting. Though this fight, being waged on the front lines to ensure that we can survive these difficult conditions, may be in its infancy, it has the latent potential to serve as a basis for social change.

Yoshiyuki Yamana























403architecture [dajiba]
















DRAWING AND MANUALファウンダー、武蔵野美術大学教授





1960年静岡県生まれ。雑誌『建築文化』で、ル・コルビュジエ、ミース・ファン・デル・ローエら巨匠の全冊特集を企画・編集するほか、映画や思想、美術等、他ジャンルと建築との接点を探る特集も手がける。同誌編集長を経て、『DETAIL JAPAN』を創刊。現在、ecrimageを主宰。著書に『一流建築家のデザインとその現場』、『表参道を歩いてわかる現代建築』(以上、共著)、『パリ建築散歩』(大和書房、2014)がある。




1975年神奈川県生まれ。1999年京都大学総合人間学部卒業。2007年京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科博士課程修了。2012年より、大阪大学公共政策研究科特任准教授。著書として、『公共空間の政治理論』(人文書院、2007)、『空間のために:遍在化するスラム的世界のなかで』(以文社、2011)、『全-生活論: 転形期の公共空間』(以文社、2012)、『生きられたニュータウン:未来空間の哲学』(青土社、2015)。







1976年神奈川県生まれ。1999年横浜国立大学卒業。建築設計SPEED STUDIO設立・主宰。2002-2007年東京都立大学大学院助手。2004年オンデザインパートナーズ設立。2005-2009年横浜国立大学(YGSA)助手。現在東京大学、東京理科大学非常勤講師。









1976年東京都生まれ。1999年東京大学工学部建築学科卒業。2001年東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻修了。2001-2013年株式会社日本設計勤務。2013年より株式会社 仲建築設計スタジオ共同主宰。

















403architecture [dajiba]|彌田徹|やだとおる

1985年大分県生まれ。2008年横浜国立大学建設学科建築学コース卒業。2011年筑波大学大学院芸術専攻貝島研究室修了。2011年403architecture [dajiba]設立。現在、筑波大学非常勤講師。


403architecture [dajiba]|辻琢磨|つじたくま

1986年静岡県生まれ。2008年横浜国立大学建設学科建築学コース卒業。2010年横浜国立大学大学院建築都市スクールY­GSA修了。2010年Urban Nouveau*勤務。2011年メディアプロジェクト・アンテナ企画運営。2011年403architecture [dajiba]設立。現在、滋賀県立大学、大阪市立大学非常勤講師。


403architecture [dajiba]|橋本健史|はしもとたけし

1984年兵庫県生まれ。2005年国立明石工業高等専門学校建築学科卒業。2008年横浜国立大学建設学科建築学コース卒業。2010年横浜国立大学大学院建築都市スクールY­GSA修了。2011年403architecture [dajiba]設立。現在、名城大学、筑波大学非常勤講師。






1979年徳島県生まれ。2002年東京藝術大学美術学部建築科卒業。2002-2004年スキーマ建築計画勤務。 2008年ハーバード大学大学院デザインスクール修了。2009年ティーハウス建築設計事務所勤務。2010年坂東幸輔建築設計事務所設立。2010年BUS設立。2010-2013年東京藝術大学美術学部建築科教育研究助手。2013年aat+ヨコミゾマコト建築設計事務所勤務。2015年より京都市立芸術大学講師。



1976年東京都生まれ。1999年慶應義塾大学環境情報学部卒業。2002年コロンビア大学建築修士科卒業。2004-2007年ROCKWELL GROUP勤務。2007-2010年VOORSANGER ARCHTECHTS勤務。2011年須磨設計設立。













1982年宮崎県生まれ。2005年東京工業大学工学部建築学科卒業。2011年東京工業大学大学院博士課程単位取得退学。2011-14年ルートエー勤務。2014-15年アトリエ・アンド・アイ坂本一成研究室勤務。 2015年teco設立。



15回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際建築展 日本館展示


特別助成 :公益財団法人石橋財団
協賛:前田建設工業株式会社、YKK AP株式会社 窓研究所、日新工業株式会社、株式会社栄港建設、株式会社森國酒造、株式会社トーン・アップ、株式会社安井建築設計事務所、日本工業大学


Yoshiyuki Yamana

Professor, Department of Architecture, Tokyo University of Science
French-registered Architect (DPLG), Doctorate in Art History
Specialties: Architectural Design, Architectural History, and Archival Science
Senior Curator, the National Archive of Modern Architecture
Visiting Researcher, the National Museum of Western Art
Advisory Board member, DOCOMOMO International
Vice-Chairman, Docomomo Japan
Committee member, ICOMOS Japan

Born in 1966 in Tokyo, Yoshiyuki Yamana graduated from the Department of Architecture at Tokyo University of Science (TUS) in 1990, and worked at Koyama. Receiving a scholarship for foreign students from the French government, he studied at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris-Belleville and obtained obtain a degree in architecture (DPLG). He then obtained a doctoral degree from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. After being trained at the Henri Ciriani Atelier, as part of the Agency for Cultural Affairs’ overseas training program for artists, he worked as a contract lecturer at the Ecole d'architecture, Nantes, the Archives de France, and the Institut français d’architecture. He began working at the Department of Architecture of TUS in 2002.

Yoshiyuki Yamana

Production Committee

Seiichi Hishikawa

Creative Director
Professor, Musashino Art University

Born in 1969 in Tokyo. Through a wide variety of working career at a record company and PR of an electronics manufacturer; producing overseas music programs and hollywood movie previews, he has directed many TVCM, music videos, corporate sites or web brandings, and fashion events and theatoricals. Gained many international prizes such as NYADC and London International Awards and in 2011, he was triple awarded at Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity with his directorial webCM for Docomo, “Xylophone”.

Seiichi Hishikawa

Masaki Uchino


Masaki Uchino was born in 1960 in Shizuoka Prefecture. In addition to planning and producing whole magazine features on master architects, such as Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe, for the magazine Kenchiku Bunka [Architectural culture], he searched for common points of contact between architecture and genres such as film, philosophy, and art. After working as editor of the same magazine, he founded a new publication called DETAIL JAPAN. He is currently the director of ecrimage. His published works include Ichiryu Kenchikuka no Dezain to Sono Genba [Designs and sites of top architects], and Omotesando wo Aruite Wakaru Gendai Kenchiku [Understanding contemporary architecture by walking through Omotesando] (both of which he co-wrote), and Pari Kenchiku Sanpo (A walking guide to Paris architecture).

Masaki Uchino

Masatake Shinohara

Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Osaka University
Part-time Lecturer, Kyoto University
Doctorate in Human and Environmental Studies
Specialties: Philosophy, History of Thought, Urban Space Theory

Masatake Shinohara was born in 1975 in Kanagawa Prefecture. After graduating from the Faculty of Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto University, he went on studying at the Graduate School of Human and Environment Studies of the same university for a doctoral program. He currently serves as a specially appointed associate professor at Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University. His publications include Kokyo Kukan no Seiji Riron [Political theory of public space] (Jimbun Shoin, 2007), Kukan no tame ni: Henzaika suru Suramuteki Shakai no Nakade [For spaces: In omnipresent slum-like world] (Ibunsha, 2011), Zen-Seikatsuron: Tenkeiki no Kokyo Kukan [An essay on the conception of whole-life: public space in transformation] (Ibunsha, 2012), and Ikirareta Nyu Taun: Mirai Kukan no Tetsugaku [On the lived New Town: philosophy of future space] (Seidosha, 2015)

Masatake Shinohara


mnm|Mio Tsuneyama

Born in in 1983 Kanagawa Prefecture, Mio Tsuneyama graduated from Tokyo University of Science (TUS) in 2005. She did an internship at Bonhôte Zapata Architectes Genève, Switzerland from 2005 to 2006. From 2006 to 2008, she was given Swiss International Student Bourse and completed a graduate course in architecture at École Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne, Switzerland in 2008. After working at HHF Architects Basel, Switzerland, she established Studio mnm in 2012. She worked as an assistant at TUS from 2013 and became an assistant professor in 2015. She also started teaching at Musashino Art University as a part-time lecturer in 2014.

Mio Tsuneyama

Osamu Nishida

Osamu Nishida was born in 1976 in Kanagawa Prefecture. He graduated from Yokohama National University in 1999. In 2002, he established the architecture firm Speed Studio. From 2002 to 2007 he worked as a graduate assistant at Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, and he established ondesign in 2004. He worked as an assistant at Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture (Y-GSA) from 2005 to 2009 and currently works as a part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo and TUS.

Osamu Nishida

Erika Nakagawa

Erika Nakagawa was born in 1983 in Tokyo. She graduated from Yokohama National University in 2005 and obtained her master’s degree from Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2007. She worked at ondesign between 2007 and 2014. In 2014, she established erika nakagawa office and started working as a design assistant at Y-GSA.

Erika Nakagawa

Naruse Inokuma Architects|Jun Inokuma

Born in 1977 in Kanagawa Prefecture, Jun Inokuma earned a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Tokyo in 2004. He worked at Chiba Manabu Architects until 2006, and established Naruse Inokuma Architects with Yuri Naruse in 2007. He became an assistant professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University in 2008.


Naruse Inokuma Architects|Yuri Naruse

Yuri Naruse was born in 1979 in Aichi Prefecture. In 2007, she completed her doctoral program in architecture at the University of Tokyo and established Naruse Inokuma Architects with Jun Inokuma. She became a project research associate at the graduate school of the University of Tokyo in 2009 and a research associate at the same school in 2010.

Yuri Naruse

Naka Architects’ Studio|Toshiharu Naka

Toshiharu Naka was born in 1976 in Kyoto Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at the University of Tokyo in 1999, he earned a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Tokyo in 2001. He worked at Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop from 2001 to 2008, and established Naka Architects’ Studio in 2009. Then he worked as a design assistant at Y-GSA from 2009 to 2011. He also worked as a part-time professor at Tokyo City University from 2011 to 2014, Yokohama National University from 2013 to the present, Meiji University from 2014 to the present, and University of Tokyo from 2015.

Toshiharu Naka

Naka Architects’ Studio|Yuri Uno

Yuri Uno was born in 1976 in Tokyo. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at the University of Tokyo in 1999, she earned a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Tokyo in 2001. She worked at Nihon Sekkei from 2001 to 2013 and joined Naka Architects’ Studio as a partner in 2013.

Yuri Uno

Nousaku Architects|Fuminori Nousaku

Born in 1982 in Toyama Prefecture, Fuminori Nousaku graduated from the Department of Architecture and Building Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2005. He then earned a master’s degree from the same institute in 2007. After working at Njiric+Arhitekti in 2008, he became a research associate at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2010. He established Fuminori Nousaku Architects in 2010 and obtained a doctorate in architecture from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2012. In the same year, he became an assistant professor at the same institute.

Fuminori Nousaku

Nousaku Architects|Junpei Nousaku

Junpei Nousaku was born in 1983 in Toyama Prefecture. He graduated from the Department of Architecture at the Musashi Institute of Technology (now Tokyo City University) in 2006. After working at Go Hasegawa & Associates from 2006 to 2010, he established Junpei Nousaku Architects in 2010.

Junpei Nousaku

miCo.|Mizuki Imamura

Mizuki Imamura was born in 1975 in Kanagawa Prefecture and graduated from the Department of Architecture at Meiji University in 1999. After working at SANAA from 2001 to 2008, she established miCo. in 2008. She currently works as a part-time lecturer at Joshibi University of Art and Design, Nippon Institute of Technology, Meiji University, TUS, and Nihon University.

Mizuki Imamura

miCo.|Isao Shinohara

Isao Shinohara was born in 1977 in Aichi Prefecture. He obtained his master’s degree from the Graduate School of Media and Governance of Keio University in 2003. While working at SANAA from 2003 to 2012, he established miCo. in 2008. He currently works as a part-time professor at Joshibi University of Art and Design.

Isao Shinohara

Levi Architecture|Jun Nakagawa

Jun Nakagawa was born in 1976 in Kanagawa Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at Waseda University in 2003, he worked at the Kazuhiko Namba + Kai Workshop until 2006. He established Levi Architecture in 2006 and became a researcher at Research Institute for Science and Engineering Waseda University in 2013. In the following year, he joined the Shin-ichi Tanabe Laboratory at Waseda University. He currently works as a part-time lecturer at the University of Tokyo and Tokyo Metropolitan University.

Jun Nakagawa

Shingo Masuda+Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects|Shingo Masuda

Shingo Masuda was born in 1982 in Tokyo and graduated from Musashino Art University in 2007. He established Shingo Masuda+Katsuhisa Otsubo Architects with Katsuhisa Otsubo in 2007. He started working as a part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University in 2010. He also serves as a visiting critic at Cornell University in 2015

Shingo Masuda

Koji Aoki Architects|Koji Aoki

Koji Aoki was born in 1976 in Hokkaido. After graduating from the Department of Architecture and Building Engineering at Hokkai Gakuen University in 2001, he earned a master’s degree from Muroran Institute of Technology in 2003. He worked at Sou Fujimoto Architects between 2003 and 2011, and then he established Koji Aoki Architects in 2011. He has worked as a part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University in 2012, Tokyo Zokei University in 2013, Tokyo University of Science from 2013 to 2015, and the University of Tokyo in 2015.

Koji Aoki

403architecture [dajiba]|Toru Yada

Toru Yada was born in 1985 in Oita Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Architecture and Building Science at Yokohama National University in 2008, he obtained a master’s degree from momoyo kaijima lab. of University of Tsukuba in 2011. He established 403architecture [dajiba] in 2011. He currently works as a part­time lecturer at University of Tsukuba.

Toru Yada

403architecture [dajiba]|Takuma Tsuji

Takuma Tsuji was born in 1986 in Shizuoka Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Architecture and Building Science at Yokohama National University in 2008, he obtained a master’s degree from Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture in 2010. He then worked at Urban Nouveau* in 2010. In 2011, he started the Untenor media project and established 403architecture [dajiba]. He currently works as a part­time lecturer at Osaka City University and University of Shiga Prefecture.

Takuma Tsuji

403architecture [dajiba]|Takeshi Hashimoto

Born in 1984 in Hyogo Prefecture, Takeshi Hashimoto graduated from the architecture department at National Institute of Technology, Akashi College in 2005. After graduated from t the Department of Architecture and Building Science at Yokohama National University in 2008, he obtained a master’s degree from Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture in 2010. In 2011, he established 403architecture [dajiba]. He currently works as a part­time lecturer at Meijo University and University of Tsukuba.

Takeshi Hashimoto

BUS|Satoru Ito

Satoru Ito was born in 1976 in Tokyo. After graduating from the Department of Engineering at Yokohama National University in 2000, he earned his master’s degree in 2002. He worked at aat+Makoto Yokomizo Architects from 2002 to 2006 and then established Satoru Ito Architects and Associates in 2007.

Satoru Ito

BUS|Kosuke Bando

Kosuke Bando was born in 1979 in Tokushima Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2002, he worked at Schemata Architecture until 2004. In 2008, he obtained his master’s degree from Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Then he worked at Architects Teehouse in 2009 and established Kosuke Bando Architects in 2010. In 2010, he also established BUS. He worked as a teaching assistant at Tokyo University of the Arts from 2010 to 2013, and at aat+Makoto Yokomizo Architects in 2013. He currently works at Kyoto City University of Arts as a lecturer.

Kosuke Bando

BUS|Issei Suma

Issei Suma was born in 1976 in Tokyo. After graduating from the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies at Keio University in 1999, he obtained his master’s degree from Columbia University in 2002. He worked at the Rockwell Group from 2004 to 2007 and at Voorsanger Architects from 2007 to 2010. He established SUMA in 2011.

Issei Suma

dot architects|Toshikatsu Ienari

Toshikatsu Ienari was born in 1974 in Hyogo Prefecture. He graduated from the Faculty of Law at Kansai University in 1998 and from the Osaka College of Technology in 2000. In 2014, he established dot architects. He currently works as an associate professor at Kyoto University of Art and Design, and a part-time lecturer at Osaka College of Technology

Toshikatsu Ienari

dot architects|Takeshi Shakushiro

Born in 1974 in Hyogo Prefecture, Takeshi Shakushiro graduated from the Department of Environmental Design at Kobe Design University in 1997. He worked at Rikuo Kitamura + Zoom Atelier, and Katsuhiro Miyamoto & Associates before establishing dot architects in 2004. He currently works as a specially appointed lecturer at Osaka College of Technology and part-time lecturer at Kobe Design University.

Takeshi Shakushiro

dot architects|Wataru Doi

Wataru Doi was born in 1987 in Kanagawa Prefecture and earned a master’s degree from the Graduate School of Media and Governance of Keio University in 2013. After working at Studio Mumbai Architects, he Joined dot architects in 2014.

Wataru Doi

Venue Design

teco|Chie Konno

Chie Konno was born in 1981 in Kanagawa Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2005, she attended at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology as a scholarship student from 2005 to 2006. In 2011, she earned a doctorate in engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology and started working at Kobe Design University as a graduate assistant. She also established KONNO in the same year. She became an assistant professor at Nippon Institute of Technology in 2013, and established teco in 2015.

Chie Konno

teco|Rie Allison

Rie Allison was born in 1982 in Miyazaki Prefecture. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2005, she completed a doctoral program without degree at the same university in 2011. She has worked at Root A from 2011 to 2014 and at Atelier and I Kazunari Sakamoto Architectural Laboratory from 2014 to 2015. She established teco in 2015.

Rie Allison